Photo: Alice Williamson

Photo: Alice Williamson

Photo: Alice Williamson

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi

Photo: Minja Kaukoniemi
Ghost Town
Life’s repeating patterns become untethered as the end approaches, but can we escape by breaking out of the loop? Or should we follow the road to its natural conclusion?
Ghost Town goes deep into the theme of the end. Like in an hourglass, the desert sand trickles from the roof into the children’s inflatable pool. Everything, even a human body is temporary and expiring. Will the world end in ice or fire? Ghosts from the past are reaching or will the scorpion arrive first?
- HS Emma Vainio, 17.3.2022
- HS Emma Vainio, 17.3.2022
Multidisclipinary Ghost Town exhilarates despite its dark themes — the performance is an amazing collaboration between different fields
- Emma Vainio, Helsingin Sanomat 17.3.2022
- Emma Vainio, Helsingin Sanomat 17.3.2022
Ghost Town… is a performance that leaves a mark. What kind of imprint it is depends on which of the performances becomes the most important to you. It is impressive and thought-provoking, but neither gloomy nor hopeless.
- Annikki Alku, Demokraatti 17.3.2022
Uniqueness and live action are the bases of Ghost Town. Everything that happens on the stage: what the audience see or hear, are live. Juggling, dance, media art as well as soundscape.
- Annikki Alku, Demokraatti 17.3.2022
- Annikki Alku, Demokraatti 17.3.2022
Uniqueness and live action are the bases of Ghost Town. Everything that happens on the stage: what the audience see or hear, are live. Juggling, dance, media art as well as soundscape.
- Annikki Alku, Demokraatti 17.3.2022
Taking the audience on a journey from a broken-down car in the middle of the desert to an unexpected climax. Ghost Town combines circus, dance, media art and live foley, with world renown collaborators: Heikki Kossi, Jessica Hung Han Yun, Emma Lister, Sakari Männistö, Aku Merilainen, Emmi Pennanen and Alice Williamson.
Working group:
Emma Lister, concept, direction
Sakari Männistö, concept, direction, circus
Emmi Pennanen, choreography, direction, dance
Heikki Kossi, direction, foley
Aku Meriläinen, direction, media-art
Jessica Hung Han Yun, lighting design
Alice Williamson, costume and puppet design
Jarkko Lehmus, dramaturge
Nanni Vapaavuori, associate lighting designer
Emma Lister, concept, direction
Sakari Männistö, concept, direction, circus
Emmi Pennanen, choreography, direction, dance
Heikki Kossi, direction, foley
Aku Meriläinen, direction, media-art
Jessica Hung Han Yun, lighting design
Alice Williamson, costume and puppet design
Jarkko Lehmus, dramaturge
Nanni Vapaavuori, associate lighting designer
Thanks to: Jenna Broas (associate choreography), Onni Toivonen (associate juggling)
Production: Agit-Cirk
In cooperation: Makeshift Company
Production partner: Cirko - Centre for new circus in Finland
In cooperation: Makeshift Company
Production partner: Cirko - Centre for new circus in Finland
Supporters: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Kone Foundation, Finnish Cultural Fund, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Tampereen Työväen Teatteri, Finnish Institute UK, Louhitalo